A group of Fort Wayne Metals workers stand together happily

Trademark information

  • The Fort Wayne Metals logo, Turning knowledge into solutions., FWM, 35N LT, DFT, FWM 1058, DPS, HHS, NDR, SLT, ENDURA, USN, DBS, SILK, and 4TiTUDE are registered trademarks of Fort Wayne Metals Research Products, LLC.
  • ACC is a trademark of Fort Wayne Metals Research Products, LLC.
  • All logos, trademarks, and service marks not owned by Fort Wayne Metals Research Products, LLC are used under license by us or our business partners and they are the property of their respective trademark owners.

Trademark information

  • The Fort Wayne Metals logo, Turning knowledge into solutions., FWM, 35N LT, DFT, FWM 1058, DPS, HHS, NDR, SLT, ENDURA, USN, DBS, SILK, and 4TiTUDE are registered trademarks of Fort Wayne Metals Research Products, LLC.
  • ACC is a trademark of Fort Wayne Metals Research Products, LLC.
  • All logos, trademarks, and service marks not owned by Fort Wayne Metals Research Products, LLC are used under license by us or our business partners and they are the property of their respective trademark owners.